
  • charmant 長野
    charmant NAGANO

    SHIZUKI Review

    SHIZUKI [21歳]

    • SHIZUKI [21歳]
    Shizuki was a Japanese dream

    Shizuki is the young Japanese girl that you dream about when you're watching anime or all the young girls walk down the streets. Her English is very decent, and its totally adorable to watch her think about what to say. She's kind, she's funny, she's cute, she's mature.. she's exceptionally skilled at what she does. She is worth every moment of your time. Treat her well and appreciate her while you can, girls like her don't come around very often.


    Shizuki was a Japanese dream

    Shizuki is the young Japanese girl that you dream about when you're watching anime or all the young girls walk down the streets. Her English is very decent, and its totally adorable to watch her think about what to say. She's kind, she's funny, she's cute, she's mature.. she's exceptionally skilled at what she does. She is worth every moment of your time. Treat her well and appreciate her while you can, girls like her don't come around very often.

    Shizuki was a Japanese dream

    Shizuki is the young Japanese girl that you dream about when you're watching anime or all the young girls walk down the streets. Her English is very decent, and its totally adorable to watch her think about what to say. She's kind, she's funny, she's cute, she's mature.. she's exceptionally skilled at what she does. She is worth every moment of your time. Treat her well and appreciate her while you can, girls like her don't come around very often.

    Shizuki was a Japanese dream

    Shizuki is the young Japanese girl that you dream about when you're watching anime or all the young girls walk down the streets. Her English is very decent, and its totally adorable to watch her think about what to say. She's kind, she's funny, she's cute, she's mature.. she's exceptionally skilled at what she does. She is worth every moment of your time. Treat her well and appreciate her while you can, girls like her don't come around very often.