• コスパラ

    COSPARA Review

    • HIMARI[22歳]

    ソフランドは初めてなので緊張しましたが、うまく引っ張ってくれて楽しく楽しみました。 かわいい子でよかったです。もし小さくてかわいいお子さんがお好みでしたら、いつでもおすすめです。 特にピアスが印象的でした。 今度また行きたいです。でも、外国人料金は少し高そうなので、少しは負担になるのは事実です。 それでも一度は見応えのある友達だと思います。

    I was nervous because it was my first time at Soflando, but they pulled me well and I enjoyed it. I'm glad you're a pretty girl. If you like small and cute children, I recommend them anytime. The earrings were especially impressive. I would like to visit again next time. However, it seems that foreigners' fees are a little expensive, so it's true that it's a little burdensome. Even so, I think they are worth seeing at least once.

    • HINAMI[20歳]



    • YUNA[22歳]
    Life before was black & white

    I am amazing that Yuna-chan does not have more reviews, maybe it's because we all know that she is the best and we don't want to share, haha. While this was my first ever visit to a soapland, I don't think it is actually possible to be with a better play partner!

    Even though I was nervous, Yuna helped me to relax with her cute giggles and playful demeanor. Her skins is ultra smooth and she used that to her advantage

    Between my broken Japanese and her English we were able to communicate very well and I could ask for things I want. I really respect Yuna, it is clear she is a hard worker and is always improving in life.

    Her body was very slim while her breasts were soft like clouds. Her cute face and big eyes drew me in even more. And she is very skilled, paying attention to all manner of small details and body cues.

    I will definitely have to visit again!!!

    • CHILI[20歳]
    The best I’ve ever had

    I am a foreigner and have visited Soaplands before, but this was my first time at Yoshiwara or Kosupara. I entered the shop a little after noon and was given a choice of 3 girls available now, and I chose ちぃ based on her photos. While waiting, I looked at her profile and noticed she had only been at the shop for 2 weeks with no prior experience and did not yet have any reviews. I began to worry a little on if I had made the right decision.

    I should not have worried. Honestly, I think ちぃ is incredible. From the moment she meets you, she makes you feel at ease. We could not communicate much using words due to my lack of Japanese, but sometimes communication is about more than just words, and ちぃ is a great communicator.

    Her face and body are beautiful and she has a bubbly personality with her entire attention focused on you for the duration of the session. When washing, she uses her full body, her hands scrubbed my back when her breasts scrubbed against my chest.

    The play itself was phenomenal. I won’t reveal all her secrets but will just say that some of her techniques with her mouth were far beyond anything I had ever experienced before. I never knew it could feel that good.

    Afterwards, we had a pleasant conversation using the translator app, and I expressed how lucky I felt to have been paired with her. My only regret is that I was leaving Tokyo the next day and did not have a chance to visit her again. I hope to return as soon as possible. It was by far the best experience I’ve ever had at a Soapland and nothing else even comes close to comparing. If you get the chance, please visit ちぃ. I am certain you will not regret it.

    • KITSUNE[20歳]
    Nervous but very glad I visited

    Sorry for my bad Japanese I have used a translator and posted in both languages :)

    I was visiting Japan on holiday for 3 weeks and was nearly at the end of my trip in Tokyo when I read about Kosupara. I sent a message to the shop to ask for guidance and they were very welcoming to me as a foreigner.

    When I arrived I was happy to see that Kitsune was available, and very happy when I met her to see she was even prettier in person!

    She was very good to me even though I was very nervous and my japanese is very bad!

    I hope she posts more updates and photos and maybe she could have a seperate social media like Instagram or twitter like some of the other girls? I would absolutley visit again if ever come to Japan again!


    私は 3 週間の休暇で日本を訪れていましたが、東京での旅も終わりに近づいた頃、Kosupara の記事を読みました。お店にメッセージを送って教えてもらいましたが、外国人の私をとても歓迎してくれました。




    • TAO[20歳]

    Tao 的笑容很可愛,一見面就親親抱抱的女友感滿分,我不安份的手一件件深入時她表示很舒服要我繼續疼愛她,探入內褲時已經一片濕濡了,洗澡時迫不及待的找我的肉棒,一陣挑逗後她迫不及待要吃掉我了。