- MIREI [22Age]
I originally contacted the store to make a reservation with Aina. However, after attempting to make a booking with her multiple times with changing of date, the staff eventually just told me that she would not accommodate foreigners which is disappointing. I'd wish they just remove her photo/listing from this website so I wouldn't have bothered asking in the first place, since when trying to book with one of the other options they had offered me, their availability was taken up and no longer free. Otherwise they recommended this cute little lady and said she was fairly skilled, but she certainly wasn't little and was not very exciting with her skills, as I had to put in most of the effort just to get 1x shot for my 2 hours. She's not your typical Japanese frame, and I wish these shops would be more transparent and have a girl's figure actually shown, but they hid it pretty well in the photos. I still think she was very cute and did try her best, but her size was a bit of a letdown. Also, The store listed an image with all the options they had available and said all girls can, but you need to confirm this on the booking as I unfortunately did not and the girl was not willing to do one of the options I requested, despite it being on their store. Despite all my critique, I was still able to enjoy most of my time with her and the chats we had with her energy, but I certainly left the hotel feeling unfulfilled and wanting more. Perhaps consider another store that is more accommodating.
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