월 23억 PV, 회원수 450만 명 이상의 지지를 받고 있는 일본 최대 풍속 정보 사이트 '시티헤븐넷'이 운영하는 방일 외국인 여행자 전용 풍속 정보 사이트입니다.

  • Lip Club~旭川リップクラブ~

    UTA Diary


    For boys who like Japanese girls❤️

    2/14 18:45

    Although I can't speak English, I hope we can become friends and I hope I can gradually learn to speak it too!

    When I talk to people, I try to listen as much as I can, but if I can't hear them, I ask that you use an interpreter. However, I hope that we can understand each other as much as possible through our hearts and bodies…💗

    I also used a translation app for this sentence, but is there any mistake?

    Please feel free to send a message to Lip Club! Japanese speakers are also welcome!🙌

    For boys who like Japanese girls❤️

    Although I can't speak English, I hope we can become friends and I hope I can gradually learn to speak it too!

    When I talk to people, I try to listen as much as I can, but if I can't hear them, I ask that you use an interpreter. However, I hope that we can understand each other as much as possible through our hearts and bodies…💗

    I also used a translation app for this sentence, but is there any mistake?

    Please feel free to send a message to Lip Club! Japanese speakers are also welcome!🙌