월 23억 PV, 회원수 450만 명 이상의 지지를 받고 있는 일본 최대 풍속 정보 사이트 '시티헤븐넷'이 운영하는 방일 외국인 여행자 전용 풍속 정보 사이트입니다.

  • RAO




    1/19 09:47

    I couldn't be happier to spend plenty of time with you.

    Your pure kindness, without expecting anything in return, is such a heal and cure to me.

    I will definitely treasure the present you chose for me, and will never forget memories you gave me today.

    Also, I really enjoyed talking to you this time as well.

    Your way of thinking always inspire me a lot.
    Life, happiness, is simple after all, right?☺︎

    I hope you will have the best days at home.

    Can’t wait to see you soon again💌



    I couldn't be happier to spend plenty of time with you.

    Your pure kindness, without expecting anything in return, is such a heal and cure to me.

    I will definitely treasure the present you chose for me, and will never forget memories you gave me today.

    Also, I really enjoyed talking to you this time as well.

    Your way of thinking always inspire me a lot.
    Life, happiness, is simple after all, right?☺︎

    I hope you will have the best days at home.

    Can’t wait to see you soon again💌
