월 23억 PV, 회원수 450만 명 이상의 지지를 받고 있는 일본 최대 풍속 정보 사이트 '시티헤븐넷'이 운영하는 방일 외국인 여행자 전용 풍속 정보 사이트입니다.

  • ぽちゃカワ革命!!いちゃぷよ★ポッチャdoll[西部店]

    FUI Review

    FUI [21歳]

    • FUI [21歳]
    I played with FUI

    FUI was super cute.

    She was friendly, had big, soft breasts...
    I came in no time with her technique.

    We had a fun conversation after it was over.

    The shop's service was smooth and they were happy to help me with my poor Japanese. They said they could assist in English, but I chose to speak in Japanese!
    Thank you very much.

    I played with FUI

    FUI was super cute.

    She was friendly, had big, soft breasts...
    I came in no time with her technique.

    We had a fun conversation after it was over.

    The shop's service was smooth and they were happy to help me with my poor Japanese. They said they could assist in English, but I chose to speak in Japanese!
    Thank you very much.
