- RUNAPIYO [21Age]
월 23억 PV, 회원수 450만 명 이상의 지지를 받고 있는 일본 최대 풍속 정보 사이트 '시티헤븐넷'이 운영하는 방일 외국인 여행자 전용 풍속 정보 사이트입니다.
If you’re a fan of gals Runapiyo is a really solid choice. Runapiyo was really relaxing to be around and I’ll admit even the conversations between us were lots of fun! Runapiyo has the sleek, slender build of a supermodel, with absolutely gorgeous features. On top of that, she's covered in incredibly cool tattoos! We had to use machine translation for most of the session but I believe it did not take away from the experience. The staff also were so helpful and supportive absolutely S tier service. This review doesn’t do her enough justice so I highly recommend seeing Runapiyo if you’re ever in ikebukuro!
This was my first visit with the shop!
I met Nyantama - San, and we talked a lot ! It was REALLY fun !
Nyantama San is probably the prettiest Gal i ever saw. Her thin hody is awesome, and her tatoos are the coolest !
Once we got to play, her Technique was flawless ! She is really Good, probably the best !
I will definitely meet her again for another round if i can !
I put a low score because I am both difficult to please and it is my first time experiencing those things so I will learn what I like. That means everything was 5.0 except specific plays. It really doesn't have anything to do with her, just my experience.
I was surprised she was kind and open. Just ask her first and you can probably do what you want. It was my first time with her but very good impression!
The Shop is a bit strict but I am sure you'll get along with them over time. It would be best if the shop could explain the options better but it could also be a communication problem.
Take my comments with a grain of salt.
Shop probably 4.0
My own feelings and experiences 3.0
If you’re a fan of gals Runapiyo is a really solid choice. Runapiyo was really relaxing to be around and I’ll admit even the conversations between us were lots of fun! Runapiyo has the sleek, slender build of a supermodel, with absolutely gorgeous features. On top of that, she's covered in incredibly cool tattoos! We had to use machine translation for most of the session but I believe it did not take away from the experience. The staff also were so helpful and supportive absolutely S tier service. This review doesn’t do her enough justice so I highly recommend seeing Runapiyo if you’re ever in ikebukuro!