- MOKA BURONZU 可愛I [20Age]
这是一个专门面向访日外国游客的性产业信息网站,由日本最大的性产业信息网站 Cityhaven.net 运营,月 PV 达 23 亿,拥有超过 450 万会员。
This is my first (of many more visits please) to Diana.
I have been to many Massage Parlors in the US. But only a few in Hiroshima (so far).
I was matched with a very cute (kawaii) young lady.
Moka is very friendly and made me feel at ease. She was able to handle me easily. Which some small ladies cannot do.
Domo Arrigato Gozaimus. For accepting me and giving me a memorable visit.