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  • コスパラ

    HIMARI Review

    HIMARI [22歳]

    • HIMARI [22歳]

    ソフランドは初めてなので緊張しましたが、うまく引っ張ってくれて楽しく楽しみました。 かわいい子でよかったです。もし小さくてかわいいお子さんがお好みでしたら、いつでもおすすめです。 特にピアスが印象的でした。 今度また行きたいです。でも、外国人料金は少し高そうなので、少しは負担になるのは事実です。 それでも一度は見応えのある友達だと思います。

    I was nervous because it was my first time at Soflando, but they pulled me well and I enjoyed it. I'm glad you're a pretty girl. If you like small and cute children, I recommend them anytime. The earrings were especially impressive. I would like to visit again next time. However, it seems that foreigners' fees are a little expensive, so it's true that it's a little burdensome. Even so, I think they are worth seeing at least once.


    ソフランドは初めてなので緊張しましたが、うまく引っ張ってくれて楽しく楽しみました。 かわいい子でよかったです。もし小さくてかわいいお子さんがお好みでしたら、いつでもおすすめです。 特にピアスが印象的でした。 今度また行きたいです。でも、外国人料金は少し高そうなので、少しは負担になるのは事実です。 それでも一度は見応えのある友達だと思います。

    I was nervous because it was my first time at Soflando, but they pulled me well and I enjoyed it. I'm glad you're a pretty girl. If you like small and cute children, I recommend them anytime. The earrings were especially impressive. I would like to visit again next time. However, it seems that foreigners' fees are a little expensive, so it's true that it's a little burdensome. Even so, I think they are worth seeing at least once.