Im gonna cut the bullshit
Das erste Mal fuuzoku Erfahrung und ich kann allein garantieren, dass Sie nicht einen besseren Kandidaten finden, wenn Sie für den besten Service suchen.
Sie's viel hübscher im wirklichen Leben im Vergleich zu den Fotos.
Auch don't bekommen mich sogar über ihre Persönlichkeit beginnen, weil verdammt ihr Charme und Zugänglichkeit ist nächste Ebene. Ich war nervös, da es mein erstes Mal war, aber sie war extrem verständnisvoll und zugänglich, was meine Erfahrung sehr angenehm machte.
An alle, die sie buchen wollen, bitte behandelt sie gut.
Auch diese Bewertung ist ein hunnid Prozent echt.
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First experience was so good that I came back again the next day
If you're hesitant about doing a long hour course with Yurina for example 180mins, trust me you won't regret it at all although it's a bit pricy.
Yurina catered very well to my personal fetishes and kinks and she will cater well to you too
Although there is a language barrier, you can basically still understand her anyways cause of how well she expresses herself.
Her personal hygiene is also very well managed so no need to worry about that.
Yurina if you are reading this I'll come visit again in April or May, and I hope you take care of yourself well
She is a high-level woman in all aspects of looks, style, customer service, and technique!
When I opened the door and met her, I was shocked at how cute she was. We talked lightly on the bed, but we were so close that she immediately put her arms around me in a natural way, and I was able to enjoy the flirtatious feeling as if she were my girlfriend. She was very cheerful and easy to talk to, with a lot of topics of conversation. She was always smiling, so the conversation alone was enough to heal me and cheer me up.
畢竟,美女在前,是一種很好的境界。 它能給您安全感,讓您愛上她,因為她展現了許多可愛的真面目。
她的外貌、風格、唇飾 ...... 都很出眾,有如天神下凡。 她也有溫柔的個性,不會讓人覺得她有多好。 她整潔恬靜的裝束非常適合她,讓我有一種和她戀愛酸甜苦辣的感覺。
即使是在愛情時間,她絲般光滑的美麗肌膚也會緊密接觸,接下來就是狂風暴雨般的親吻。 如果您在接吻中途揉搓她的碗狀胸部,她的身體就會漸漸亮起 ....... 當你愛撫她的下身時,她已洩出濕潤清澈的愛液,只要輕輕地舔舐,她就會在可愛迷人的聲音中達到高潮。
我完全被她的魅力迷住了,她整潔乾淨,卻隱藏著敏感下流的一面。 最後是滾動式的口交,以打圈的方式刺激她。 一開始很慢。 我的口交很粗大,被她的舌頭玩弄,漸漸變得越來越激烈。
這個環節以一個厚實的深吻開始,就像情人一樣。 在全身的唇舌中,她仔細地愛撫從脖子到腳趾的廣闊區域,並以溫潤的眼神默默服侍,猶如順民一般。 乳頭撕裂的力道和速度都很精湛。 她不忘同時刺激多個部位,例如玩弄一邊乳頭,一邊啜啜陰莖。
She is a cute girl with fair skin. How is it possible that she is prettier than her picture! I was impressed.
She exudes a gentle and naughty atmosphere.
Her sexy breath leaks out. At this point, I felt that I was missing a little more approachable, but I guess I can forgive her if she is still a little primitive. I ask her to get down on all fours, stroke her ass, and gradually reach out to her sensitive areas.
I couldn't contain my excitement when she asked me to do it with my mouth, and when I caressed her small clitoris softly with the tip of my tongue, she came in no time at all.
Ze heeft een heldere uitstraling en ziet er zo schattig uit als een beroemdheid. Ze is gastvrij en let op details, maar ze lijkt ook te houden van een ontspannen en flirterige sfeer en is een schatje dat ook de indruk wekt een minnaar te zijn.
Ze heeft een model-klasse lichaam dat geen verwachtingen verraadt, zelfs niet als ze uitgekleed is. Ze werd geleidelijk erotisch vanaf het moment dat ze ging douchen.
Ik ejaculeerde vele malen aan het einde.