Married Woman Alumni Association

AYUNO      Would you like to experience skin-to-skin contact with the woman you want to have as your girlfriend? ? She is so cute and charming that everyone would envy her! Anyway, their smiles are wonderful, and while admiring their innocent smiles, you might end up having a lively conversation and lose track of time...don't do that! ! She has one more weapon lol Introducing ``Ayuno'', a girl who is popular in our store and who you want to get even if you have to reach out and stretch a little. ^^♪


名稱 AYUNO      Would you like to experience skin-to-skin contact with the woman you want to have as your girlfriend? ? She is so cute and charming that everyone would envy her! Anyway, their smiles are wonderful, and while admiring their innocent smiles, you might end up having a lively conversation and lose track of time...don't do that! ! She has one more weapon lol Introducing ``Ayuno'', a girl who is popular in our store and who you want to get even if you have to reach out and stretch a little. ^^♪
年齡 31歲
身體尺寸 T152 86(E)・56・83

AYUNO      Would you like to experience skin-to-skin contact with the woman you want to have as your girlfriend? ? She is so cute and charming that everyone would envy her! Anyway, their smiles are wonderful, and while admiring their innocent smiles, you might end up having a lively conversation and lose track of time...don't do that! ! She has one more weapon lol Introducing ``Ayuno'', a girl who is popular in our store and who you want to get even if you have to reach out and stretch a little. ^^♪

T152 86(E)・56・83 31歲



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    Married Woman Alumni Association

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