In order to ensure the safety of players, the following behaviors are forbidden.

・Those under 18 years of age are not allowed.
・Demand and coercion of actual penetrative sex are prohibited(These are prohibited under the law)
・Violent, abusive language and behavior and any acts hurting the girl are prohibited.
・You cannot refuse to take a shower and gargle.
・You are not allowed to use your own personal play tools or toys.
・You are not allowed to take pictures of the girl.
・Acts of soliciting dates outside the shop and exchanging of any personal information such as mobile phone numbers or email addresses
・Any abusers of illegal drugs or any drugs
・Those infected with venereal disease or suspected of being so
・Any act of preventing the girl from leaving after the service time is over


One of the largest scale mat escort services with ladies in their twenties all gathered in our lineup in Nagoya Station, located two minutes on foot from the Subway Kokusai Center Station

We have ladies in their twenties offer intimate body-to-body service using mats.
A two-minute walk from the Subway Kokusai Center Station
  • Shop name


  • Area

    Nagoya Station vicinity

  • Industry type

    Sexual masseuse service

  • Business hours

    8:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight

  • Regular Holidays

    We are open every day except for Dec. 31 and Jan. 1

  • Address

    1-40-11, Nagono, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya-shi

  • A two-minute walk from the Subway Kokusai Center Station

  • Method of payment

  • Fare system

    60-min. Course \33,000
    90-min. Course \45,000
    120-min. Course \66,000