This is an adult entertainment information site exclusively for foreign tourists visiting Japan, operated by City Heaven Net, Japan's largest adult entertainment information site, which enjoys 2.3 billion page views per month and over 4.50 million members.

Akita escort service Parlor

7 shops in all

93 people

Akita Prefecture is located in the northwestern part of Honshu and is rich in nature, surrounded by the Ou Mountains and the Sea of Japan. Popular tourist attractions include the Shirakami Mountains, registered as a World Natural Heritage site, and Lake Tazawa, one of the 100 most scenic lakes in Japan. It is also famous for its traditional Namahage and Namahage Shibatou Festival, which attracts many tourists every year. One of the entertainment districts in Akita Prefecture is Kawatami, which is widely known as Akita Bijin and where many women are described as fair-skinned and beautiful. Kawatan is an entertainment district located in Akita City, afive-minutewalk west of Akita Stationand conveniently accessible by Shinkansen bullet train. Sex stores are clustered along the Asahikawa River that runs through this area, especiallyaround the 5-chome bridge onthe Asahikawa River.Most of the sex establishments are outcall escort services, and a variety of genres are available, including amateurs, married women, and chubby girls. There are also several love hotels in the Kawatan area, making it a suitable environment for dispatch-type sex establishments.

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