In order to ensure the safety of players, the following behaviors are forbidden.

We strictly prohibit the use of our services by the following persons.
●Those who coerce actual penetrative sex or any other similar acts
●Those who coerce acts of voyeurism, wiretapping and violence or any acts other than those included in our services
●Those who are drunk and taking or using any drugs or similar materials
●Those persons related to gangster groups or those conforming to such groups
●Those infected with venereal diseases, contagious diseases or blood diseases, or those suspected to be infected with such diseases
●Those involved in the same business, and any acts of scouting or headhunting
●Any threatening or menacing acts and shouting out loud
●Inviting the lady on dates outside the shop and exchanging contact addresses
●Acts of stalking or anything similar towards the girl
●Excessive acts of play (such as to cause physical damage to the girl)
●Please cut your fingernails before your play, otherwise you might hurt the girl.
●Please be sure to allow us to wash your body before the play. We would like to have you enjoy yourself in a hygienic condition.

郡山デリヘル プレイガール+

We have all genres of women available--kawaii, cute types, gal types, office ladies, married women, and shemales!

We have a wide lineup of a variety of girls, so we can deliver a lady that perfectly suits your needs! Please spend a wonderfully happy moment with the lady of your preference!
  • Shop name

    郡山デリヘル プレイガール+

  • Area


  • Industry type

    Outcall Escort Service

  • Business hours

    8:00~4:00 the next day

  • Regular Holidays

    open all year round

  • Dispatch area

    In Kouriyama City and its suburbs

  • Method of payment

  • Fare system

    60 min \27,000
    70 min \31,000
    80 min \36,000
    90 min \40,000
    120 min \54,000