This is an adult entertainment information site exclusively for foreign tourists visiting Japan, operated by City Heaven Net, Japan's largest adult entertainment information site, which enjoys 2.3 billion page views per month and over 4.50 million members.

For your safe and pleasant enjoyment, the following acts are prohibited.

・Those under 18 years of age are not allowed entry
・Demand and coercion of unsimulated sex are prohibited (they are prohibited by the law)
・Any abusive behavior and language and acts of hurting the girls are prohibited
・Refusal to take a shower and gargle is not allowed
・You may not use your own personal play toys and devices
・You may not take pictures of our girls.
・Exchange of any personal information such as cell phone numbers and e-mail addresses, and soliciting the girls to go on dates outside the shop
・Abusers of any kind of drug or illegal drug ・Those infected with any venereal disease or suspected to be so
・Any act of denying the girl to leave even after the designated play time is over

フルフル☆60分10000円☆ (RUSH ラッシュグループ)

Hiroshima Nakaku outcall escort service フルフル☆60分10000円☆ (RUSH ラッシュグループ)

We are a shop specializing in amateur girls for those men who just love amateur girl lovers.

We only hire young, pure and really cute girls of ages between their teens to early twenties.
  • Shop name

    フルフル☆60分10000円☆ (RUSH ラッシュグループ)

  • Area


  • Industry type

    outcall escort service

  • Business hours

    9:00~5:00 the next day

  • Regular Holidays

    open all year round

  • Dispatch area

    Naka Ward, Hiroshima City

  • Method of payment

  • Fare system

    60 min. \ 27,000
    75 min. \ 33,000
    90 min. \ 40,000
    120 min. \ 54,000
    150 min. \ 67,000
    180 min. \ 81,000