
AI     Miraculously erotic! Cute and big breasts! ! ! Introducing "Ai" ♪ Everyone who loves breasts! If you like breasts, please nominate Ai-chan at least once♪ Oh my god! ! ! Overflowing big breasts and shiny L cup! ! ! I'll say it again♪ It's an "L" cup!(^^)!You rarely see it! ! It is no exaggeration to say that the breasts are of the highest quality! It has a bright atmosphere and is very charming! ! She's a very kind and easy-to-talk-to girl♪ The erotic atmosphere that comes from Ai-chan! I can't get enough of it!(^^)! From what I hear from Ai-chan, it's a very intense play! ! We can meet your needs!(^^)!


Name AI     Miraculously erotic! Cute and big breasts! ! ! Introducing "Ai" ♪ Everyone who loves breasts! If you like breasts, please nominate Ai-chan at least once♪ Oh my god! ! ! Overflowing big breasts and shiny L cup! ! ! I'll say it again♪ It's an "L" cup!(^^)!You rarely see it! ! It is no exaggeration to say that the breasts are of the highest quality! It has a bright atmosphere and is very charming! ! She's a very kind and easy-to-talk-to girl♪ The erotic atmosphere that comes from Ai-chan! I can't get enough of it!(^^)! From what I hear from Ai-chan, it's a very intense play! ! We can meet your needs!(^^)!
ages 27Age
3 sizes T157 123(L)・81・121

AI     Miraculously erotic! Cute and big breasts! ! ! Introducing "Ai" ♪ Everyone who loves breasts! If you like breasts, please nominate Ai-chan at least once♪ Oh my god! ! ! Overflowing big breasts and shiny L cup! ! ! I'll say it again♪ It's an "L" cup!(^^)!You rarely see it! ! It is no exaggeration to say that the breasts are of the highest quality! It has a bright atmosphere and is very charming! ! She's a very kind and easy-to-talk-to girl♪ The erotic atmosphere that comes from Ai-chan! I can't get enough of it!(^^)! From what I hear from Ai-chan, it's a very intense play! ! We can meet your needs!(^^)!

T157 123(L)・81・121 27Age

  • 7/6(Sat.)
  • 7/7(Sun.)
  • 7/8(Mon.)
  • 7/9(Tue.)
  • 7/10(Wed.)
  • 7/11(Thu.)
  • 7/12(Fri.)

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  • Industry type

    Outcall Escort Service

  • Business hours

    10:00~03:00 of the following day

  • Regular Holidays

    Open all year round

  • Dispatch area

    Naka-ku, Nishi-ku, Higashi-ku, Minami-ku

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