In order to ensure the safety of players, the following behaviors are forbidden.

We only provide services while wearing a condom.

Please wear protection.

We have a special discount.
You can get special discount price.


The highest class soapland pursuing the highest quality service! Superb prestige displayed by high-class beauties!

★With our theme based on being an entertainment soapland, we are open daily from 9:00 A.M.★ Our job interviews thoroughly ensure no trouble ever occurs. With our original criteria for recruitment, we try to hunt out and recruit the most excellent high level ladies.
  • Shop name


  • Area


  • Industry type

    Soapland' Massage Parlor

  • Business hours


  • Regular Holidays

    Open all year round

  • Address

    Fujikan Bldg. 3rd Fl., 12-10, Kanayamacho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima-shi, Hiroshima

  • Method of payment

    Master Card VISA JCB

  • Fare system

    \37,000 for 60 minutes
    \47,000 for 75 minutes
    \55,000 for 90 minutes
    \75,000 for 120 minutes