- RURI(English OK) [22Age]
Japanese Big Boobs Hentai Massage Club Osaka
[About the girl] She was very kind and shy, which was very attractive. She was very easy to talk to!The service was also very good, especially the massage. Especially the massage. Before I met her, I went to the gym to play basketball and my body was so sore!Her massage helped to ease my aches and pains. Her personality is like a country girl and I would like to talk to her more and get to know her better.
[The price] I think the price was fair for the time I paid and the service I received. I paid for a blow job, nudity, and a 180 minute course. And the hotel I chose.
[The play] The play provided was very enjoyable!Whatever oil they used, I wanted to buy some for myself. It was very erotic and pleasant. I have never felt this oil before. It tasted great!The full body massage was also very pleasant and Ruri healed me from head to toe. In addition, the conversation with Ruri was great.
[The store staff] The staff was wonderful!They were very kind! As a foreigner, I did not deserve this kindness!They kept in touch with me to make sure I was okay. They were very appreciative and made me feel like they cared about me. When I accidentally gave him more yen than I had given him, he came all the way to my house to return it! I was embarrassed, but really happy. That was great customer service!I hope many stores will follow the same standard of customer satisfaction as this one. This is the key to staying in business! Thank you, staff!
Date of post:2025年3月17日
Date of post:2025年3月24日
[About the girl] She was very kind and shy, which was very attractive. She was very easy to talk to!The service was also very good, especially the massage. Especially the massage. Before I met her, I went to the gym to play basketball and my body was so sore!Her massage helped to ease my aches and pains. Her personality is like a country girl and I would like to talk to her more and get to know her better.
[The price] I think the price was fair for the time I paid and the service I received. I paid for a blow job, nudity, and a 180 minute course. And the hotel I chose.
[The play] The play provided was very enjoyable!Whatever oil they used, I wanted to buy some for myself. It was very erotic and pleasant. I have never felt this oil before. It tasted great!The full body massage was also very pleasant and Ruri healed me from head to toe. In addition, the conversation with Ruri was great.
[The store staff] The staff was wonderful!They were very kind! As a foreigner, I did not deserve this kindness!They kept in touch with me to make sure I was okay. They were very appreciative and made me feel like they cared about me. When I accidentally gave him more yen than I had given him, he came all the way to my house to return it! I was embarrassed, but really happy. That was great customer service!I hope many stores will follow the same standard of customer satisfaction as this one. This is the key to staying in business! Thank you, staff!
Date of post:2025年3月17日
Date of post:2025年3月13日
Date of post:2025年3月6日
I enjoyed my time with Urara extremely. She was immensely beautiful and sexy. Her service was very professional and she was very kind despite the language barrier. Her technique was very good and she has a beautiful smile. I would 100% see her again
Date of post:2025年2月5日
She is so kind to me. I would like to talk to her more if i could have more time. Btw, She has a super hot body with excellent massage skills. I look forward to meeting her again on my next trip.
Date of post:2024年12月27日
Tenka war einfach ein Traum.
Auf Grund der Sprachbarriere war es Anfangs für uns beide etwas kompliziert. Ich war
diesbezüglich super nervös und aufgeregt.
Die Kommunikation mit App Übersetzung lief jedoch überraschend gut und hat auch zu
einigen witzigen Missverständnissen
geführt, die jedoch schnell die Stimmung
bei uns beiden aufgelockert haben.
Ohne wirklich zu wissen was auf mich
zukommt, stand pünktlich zum vereinbarten
Zeitpunkt diese umwerfende Frau vor meiner Tür.
Ihre Augen und das tolle lächeln haben mich einfach umgehauen. Sie ist super
professionell mit der Situation umgegangen, während ich fast vor Scham und Aufregung im Boden versunken wäre.
Ihre Wesen ist überaus angenehm, Ihre Haut ist unglaublich zart, was man bei jeder
Berührung spürt. Die Massage war ein
Hochgenuss für meinen alten Körper.
Sie ist der Typ Frau bei der man sich auf
der Straße umdrehen muss um nicht etwas
wundervolles zu verpassen. Man würde auch
bei einer Sternschnuppe nicht die Augen
verschließen, so ging es zumindest mir.
Zumindest habe ich jetzt einen Grund um
noch mehr japanisch zu lernen. Vielleicht
treffe ich Tenka ja noch einmal wieder und kann mich dann wirklich mit ihr
Übrigens gibt sie wirklich gute Ratschläge für Restaurants falls man hungrig ist.
Und wenn ich es mir noch einmal durch den
Kopf gehen lassen ist weiß doch ihre Farbe.
Vielen lieben Dank für dieses tolle
Ich wünsche Tenka nur das Beste für Ihre
Zukunft und hoffe das auch Sie immer
so toll und freundlich behandelt wird, wie Sie ihren Gast behandelt.
Eine absolute Top Empfehlung und Danke für diese Überraschung.
Date of post:2024年10月18日
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