In order to ensure the safety of players, the following behaviors are forbidden.

The woman's body will always be in close contact with yours, so we kindly ask that you refrain from touching her body yourself.
Also, any mucosal contact (kissing, blowjobs, actual penetrative sex) are forbidden.

えっちなマッサージ屋さん 静岡店

A shop specializing in erogenous massage with focusing especially nipple-licking and handjobs

When a man has enjoyed everything there is on offer in adult entertainment, he finally only desires to simply feel good without doing anything himself.
Erogenous sexual massage is what fulfills every desire of such men.
  • Shop name

    えっちなマッサージ屋さん 静岡店

  • Area


  • Industry type

    Sexual Relaxation Service (Outcall)

  • Business hours


  • Regular Holidays

    open all year round

  • Dispatch area

    In Shizuoka City

  • Method of payment

  • Fare system

    90 min. \27,500
    120 min. \34,100

    Prices include the nomination fee and admission fee. All prices are tax inclusive
    Courses of 120 minutes and longer are also available.