In order to ensure the safety of players, the following behaviors are forbidden.

For your safe and secure enjoyment, the following acts are prohibited.
・Those under 18 years of age are not allowed
・Demanding or forcing actual penetrative sex is prohibited (It is prohibited by the law)
・Abusive language and behavior, and any acts of hurting the girls are prohibited
・You are not allowed to refuse to take a shower or to gargle
・You may not use your own personal toys or devices
・You may not take pictures of the girls
・Soliciting dates outside of the shop and exchanging personal information like mobile phone numbers and e-mail addresses
・Use of illegal drugs or abusers of such drugs
・Those infected with venereal diseases or suspected to be so
・Preventing the girl's departure beyond the play service time
・Kissing and lip-touching of lower body parts are prohibited.

We do not guarantee the validity or accuracy of the posted information and bear no responsibility for it in any way whatsoever.

This site will not be liable for any direct or indirect damages or troubles caused to users when using posted information.

ハイブリッドエステ64 浜松店

Erotic and soothing sensations are stimulated at the same time! Because we are a sexual massage and relaxation service, you can enjoy endless erotic stimulation and soothing, like getting a blowjob while your testicles are being massaged, or having your body foam-washed all naked!

60% sexual desires and 40% bliss
HYBRID ESTHETICS 64 pursues the 6 vs 4 fusion play in order to fulfill the man's sexual desires and relaxation.
We pursue the sensation of feeling pleasure for all men with this fusion play, which is neither an adult relaxation service nor sexual massage service, and is far different from a normal experience, using our original oil treatment.
Please enjoy experiencing such erotic pleasure for the first time to your heart's content.
  • Shop name

    ハイブリッドエステ64 浜松店

  • Area


  • Industry type

    Sexual Relaxation Service (Outcall)

  • Business hours

    9:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. of the following day

  • Regular Holidays

    open all year round

  • Dispatch area

    Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka

  • Method of payment

  • Fare system

    60 min. \27,000