This is an adult entertainment information site exclusively for foreign tourists visiting Japan, operated by City Heaven Net, Japan's largest adult entertainment information site, which enjoys 2.3 billion page views per month and over 4.50 million members.

Wakayama escort service Parlor

6 shops in all

Wakayama Prefecture is home to many tourist attractions, including the World Heritage Kumano Kodo Trail and Adventure World, known for its pandas. In addition to famous products such as Nanko ume (plum) and Arita mikan (mandarin orange), Wakayama is a rich natural tourist destination where one can enjoy seafood.Burakuri-cho and Arochi, located betweenJRWakayama Station and Nankai Wakayama-shi Station, are representative of such areas. Burakuri-cho is the only soap district in Wakayama Prefecture, especially in the area on the east bank of the Waka River, and is visited by people from outside the prefecture, such as Osaka and Nara. On the other hand, Arochi, located nearJRWakayama Station, is an area with many love hotels and is visited by many outcall escort service users. Wakayama City can bereachedfrom Kansai International Airport inabout50minutesby JR trainor40minutesby Nankai.Both trainsrequireonly onetransfer.

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